I like to write; it's a fact that I'd almost forgotten during these last few topsy turvy years as a grad student. I have a journal that I write in, so why have I decided to try my hand at blogging? Why would anyone care about what I have to say? What weighs so heavily on my soul that it must be penned? I don't have the answers to those questions, but I do know that I've been touched (not necessarily in a profound way...perhaps it was just a laugh or a thought that made me pause) by several blogs/articles/writings in which people were just sharing their feelings, discussing situations and providing a glimpse to the things they deem important. I may not know those people or may have never had such intimate conversations with them, but their words provided something I needed at a particular place and time. I often wonder if it's vain to think that something I write could touch somebody. Maybe it is, but if I never publish I'd never know. Besides all that, this blog provides me an outlet to discuss and share random stuff that I find cool. So that's why I'm here...Welcome!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Love of Music

The music I listen to now will probably be the music I listen to the rest of my life, or so says the Journal of Consumer Research. The article entitled, "Some Exploratory Findings on the Development of Musical Tastes" states that my current musical tastes are now pretty much set in stone. It's an interesting notion for three reasons. First, considering how much music has and will change in the coming years, I can't imagine being set in my musical ways. And I don't consider myself a generational elitist. I've never been one to say, "Back in my day they made real music. None of this booty shaking sex boogie drop it drop it party music."

It's also interesting because I see myself growing and maturing. During this refining process I've noticed my musical tastes changing, as well. As I continue this journey, I'd assume my musical tastes will continue to change and mature.

Lastly, I've always been a self proclaimed hip-hop head. I identify with hip-hop culture, at least with the aspects of social consciousness. I always tried to be up on all the latest underground, regional and pop-hop releases. Even if I didn't like it, I'd still be familiar with it and its social context. My musical preferences leaned towards lyrically conscience rap with beats that demonstrated a bit of musicality. I love music. I love beats, I won't lie. I don't however like beats enough to justify listening to crap.

There's just something about a rhythm that resonates within my soul that makes me want to dance, skip and nod my head. It's a feeling of euphoria; it's a feeling that makes me want to let my hair down and swing it all over the place. Being able to stop listening to lots of my favorite rap songs came much easier than expected. I just really no longer had the desire to listen to them.

So I doubt that I fit into the Journal of Consumer Research's little music box. I love music. Good music is wonderful, and I hope to appreciate it at every age.

Here are a few things I'm listening to now...

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