I like to write; it's a fact that I'd almost forgotten during these last few topsy turvy years as a grad student. I have a journal that I write in, so why have I decided to try my hand at blogging? Why would anyone care about what I have to say? What weighs so heavily on my soul that it must be penned? I don't have the answers to those questions, but I do know that I've been touched (not necessarily in a profound way...perhaps it was just a laugh or a thought that made me pause) by several blogs/articles/writings in which people were just sharing their feelings, discussing situations and providing a glimpse to the things they deem important. I may not know those people or may have never had such intimate conversations with them, but their words provided something I needed at a particular place and time. I often wonder if it's vain to think that something I write could touch somebody. Maybe it is, but if I never publish I'd never know. Besides all that, this blog provides me an outlet to discuss and share random stuff that I find cool. So that's why I'm here...Welcome!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reflections of an Almost 25 Year Old

Random things I've been thinking about as my birthday nears...

I didn't find myself in college; I just became comfortable being me.
I'm cool with the fact that I am a nerd. I like watching documentaries and obscure foreign films. I have a thing for HGTV and AT tickles my fancy. I often prefer sneakers and flats to high heels. But if the mood strikes me I will bust out my 4" inch heels. I'm silly, and if something is particularly funny it may send me to the floor. My knees just can't support me when I laugh. And lastly, I like to make up words. My contribution to 2009/2010 was "Omazing" created after Obama's inauguration.

Technology is kind of cool...sort of...sometimes. I love my click click and boop boop, but touch screen phones...I pass. I want my punch punch.
click·click /clīckˈclick/
Noun: The buttons located on a car's steering wheel, used to control the car's audio.
boop·boop /boopˈboop/
Noun: Keyless entry.
punch·punch /punchˈpunch/
Noun: A phone with buttons.

Growing Up a Daddy's Girl
I love my Daddy. I grew up thinking that my father was a former member of the Black Panther Party and a singer in the R&B group the High Tops. I wanted to be a musically inclined revolutionary just like him. To groom his future music-loving revolutionary, he would read to me stories from Langston Hughes' The Best of Simple and make sure I knew all the words to War's Get Down. I didn't realize until I was older that reading the works of Frantz Fanon, Marx and Malcolm X, wearing a fro, riding a motorcycle and politicking didn't necessarily make you an official member of the Black Panther Party, nor did living in Grand Rapids and singing along to Motown hits make you a member of the fictional group the High Tops. It didn't matter that these things weren't "necessarily" true because in my eyes he is still the coolest, smartest, baddest mofo low down around town. Yes, I'm a daddy's girl.

Every now and then a little BLACK RAGE!!! is necessary. BLACK RAGE!!! is a revolutionary movement that consists of brothers and sisters across the globe banding together and causing civil unrest with their random acts of BLACK RAGE!!! Kicking over shovels, safety cones and chairs are all acceptable acts of BLACK RAGE!!! The revolution will not be tweeted!!!

On Contradictions
I'm glad I'm growing up, but the responsibility that comes with it can be a headache. Sometimes I wish I was young again (tag, kickball and playgrounds), but there was also timeout and nap time. I wish I had nap time now...sigh. I love to write, but I love physics. Maybe my brain is double sided. I like having a car, but I don't like driving. I love acquiring vast amounts of knowledge, but then again ignorance is bliss.

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